The Churn: Why New People are the Most Important People in a Scene


The people that will come after you will always be more important than you are.

five local songs written for cats


Caring for a cat involves feeding, litter upkeep, chin scratches, and, most importantly, making up little songs centered around them.

Nightmare at 130 Beats Per Minute


The nightmare gig is a rite of passage for every DJ, live band, actor, stand up comedian, performance artist, and all others who must face a public crowd.

Being a music student and going to gigs almost every week, how draining is it?


If going to gigs is socially draining enough for someone like me, imagine being a music student on top of that. It’s something else.

Let’s Make Something Splendid and Vacuous


For a majority of my weekends, I’ve become desensitized to oppressive brake lights, of which there are a multitude to choose from, all coming to the same conclusion: you’re in line. This is what I hate about driving; for the moment you’re in a car, your sole purpose is diminished to Simply Getting There.
© Sining Shelter | 2024